
Wepnyu Yembe Njamnshi, MD, MSc

Physician, Researcher, Musician

To reduce the scale and impact of dementia globally, we need to foster community-driven solutions to dementia care and research.

Current Work

Yembe is a physician-researcher at the BRAIN organization, where he combines his expertise in medicine, research, and music to advance brain health in Cameroon. Additionally he serves in health policy development at the Ministry of Public Health.

Personal Hero

My Father

Words of Strength

Integrity, Creating Possibilities, Innovative thinking, and Consistency


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia globally, we need to foster community-driven solutions to dementia care and research that leverage on equal voice partnerships across institutions to build synergy and improve dementia outcomes.


Yembe is currently engaged in Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias screening and research in Cameroon. His efforts also encompass community sensitization and education to demystify brain diseases and combat stigma in local communities.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Yembe aims to develop innovative and culturally relevant brain health projects to improves the lives of patients and families affected by dementia. He also aims to participate in shaping the brain healthcare policy in Cameroon.


By leveraging on science and music as a tool for creating awareness on brain health promotion, Yembe aims to demystify cultural myths around dementia in Cameroon and in other French speaking African countries.

Education & Experience

Yembe received his medical school training from the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon. In his last year, he obtained a research fellowship in Neuropsychology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. After completing his medical training, he pursued a Masters in Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology from the UK and joined the Brain Research Africa Initiative (BRAIN) team as a researcher.

Awards & Honors

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom

Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology

Chevening Award