Global Brain Health Instute folders at the annual GBHI conference
Frequently Asked Questions

Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health FAQs


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Application Questions

The application doesn’t appear to be working, how can I get help?

Please email us directly at

Are there any academic requirements for acceptance?  

We do not require any specific level of education; however, we typically require that applicants have completed a “terminal degree/training,” meaning they have pursued the highest degree or training they wish to obtain in their particular field.

Do I need an international certificate in English?

The program does not require documentation of English language capacity. Strong proficiency in written and verbal English is desirable to succeed in this program.

Who should write my letters of support?

GBHI requires applicants to supply two letters of support demonstrating their robust support networks showing commitment to a future career and ambitions to work in local communities and on a global scale after the program is completed. At least one of your letters of support should be from a current or former employer, institution, organization, or group.

How will receipt of my application be confirmed?

Once your online application is submitted, you will receive an automated acknowledgment email.

Can I update my application after submission?

Once submitted, updates to an application are not possible. You may work on your application online and save drafts until you are ready to submit. Please only submit your application when it is complete.

Are late applications accepted?

No, we do not accept late applications. Please ensure that your application and all letters of support are received prior to the application deadline. Please note that you must submit your application in order for your letter writers to receive the links for them to upload their letters of support, so we encourage applicants to submit their applications as early as possible.  

If I am accepted, can I defer until next year?

Deferrals are not accepted for the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program. Please apply for the year you plan to participate. There is no limit to the number of times you can apply. If your circumstances change and you cannot commit to the training year, including travel, you must withdraw. However, withdrawing does not prevent you from reapplying in the future; we encourage you to apply again when you can fully commit to the program, including travel and academic components.

Acceptance terms may vary for the Postdoctoral Program in Brain Health Equity at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center.

Fellowship Questions

Do fellows receive compensation?

Yes, this is a paid opportunity; however, the amount may vary based on the policies of each institution, program location, and associated cost of living. Fellows will directly receive a basic salary commensurate with the cost of living in Dublin or San Francisco. This salary generally supports one individual. The approximate salary estimate will be made available at time of acceptance.

Is housing provided?

No, housing is not provided. While we do offer support, all fellows must find their own housing. Atlantic Fellows are eligible for student housing and additional resources for finding housing will be provided at time of acceptance.

Can I bring my family?

Fellows have relocated their families in the past, but they are responsible for covering any additional relocation costs. Please also consider the necessary arrangements for travel visas for family members. The compensation remains consistent regardless of the number of dependents.

When does the program commence?

The program begins in late August annually.

How much of a time commitment is the program?

The program is a full time (≈40 hours per week) commitment for 12 months. Atlantic Fellows participate in not only traditional coursework but also practical experiences, such as clinical observations and case-based learning, links with community outreach programs, mentoring, panel discussions, and meetings with Atlantic Fellows from our sister programs. Learn more about our approach to learning.

What happens after the 12-month program?

Beyond graduation, fellows join a growing community of transformative leaders, from the seven interconnected Atlantic Fellows programs, who are inspiring positive change around the world. GBHI is committed to strengthening this lifelong fellowship community by providing avenues for growth and leadership.

More Questions?

Please email