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Apply by September 20th

Become an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at GBHI

About the Fellowship

Apply to Fellowship

 Register for the Application Process Webinar on August 12, 2024

Join a diverse community of over 260+ Atlantic Fellows from over 60 countries worldwide dedicated to protecting the world’s aging populations from threats to brain health. The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program at the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) provides innovative training, networking, and support to emerging leaders focused on improving brain health and reducing the impact of dementia in their local communities and on a global scale. It is one of seven global Atlantic Fellows programs to promote fairer, healthier, and more inclusive societies.

The program is for professionals from a wide range of disciplines, including the arts, sciences, economics, policy, medicine, journalism, community-based practice and much more. Whatever the discipline, we are looking for individuals working in the area of brain health and dementia who have great ideas, enthusiasm and leadership potential. 

Meet the 2023-2024 Atlantic Fellows

  1. Undertake a 12-month, full-time, paid residential fellowship based at GBHI at Trinity College Dublin (Trinity) in Ireland or University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) in the United States.
  2. Study a core curriculum of neurology, health economics, epidemiology, law and ethics, leadership, health policy, creativity, and research analysis methods.
  3. Connect with world-class researchers, clinicians, and policymakers for career-long collaborations.
  4. Receive one-to-one mentoring on projects aimed at advancing brain health.
  5. Observe and participate in clinical cases to gain practical insights.
  6. Apply for competitively awarded funds for pilot projects.
  7. Embrace a common program structure enriched by the unique aspects and expertise of our two sites.
  8. Foster leadership abilities through tailored development programs and hands-on skills training.
  9. Achieve academic distinction with the prestigious Certificate in Equity in Brain Health awarded by UCSF or Trinity.
  10. Engage with a global community of seven Atlantic Fellows programs to promote fairer, healthier, and more inclusive societies.


Fellows participate in interdisciplinary sessions on brain health, dementia, and health equity and gain insights into the lived experiences of people with dementia through observational, case-based, and experiential learning. They develop skills to enhance their ability to secure funding, improve public speaking, and effectively disseminate ideas. Plus, fellows receive leadership training to prepare them to become transformative influences on brain health worldwide. Learn more about our approach to learning.

Career Development and Pilot funding

Throughout the program and beyond fellows will receive career mentorship from faculty at GBHI and in their local community. Mentors will help fellows to realize their goals and be transformative and will assist them in applying for competitive pilot awards of up to $25,000 to begin an ambitious project in their home community.

Lifelong Fellowship

Becoming an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at GBHI doesn’t end upon completion of the program. In fact, our fellows become part of a lifelong engaged community which extends and amplifies the impact of the fellowship. The inter professional and interdisciplinary nature of the program encourages collaborations across sectors and each fellow contributes greatly to the cohort through sharing their experience and expertise.

Fellowship Sites

Atlantic Fellows at GBHI join the full-time, residential program for 12 months at either the UCSF or Trinity. Our two founding sites have formed a strong partnership based on shared values and vision. This values-based approach is what makes the collaboration successful—guiding each organization and unifying not only our goals but how we achieve them. 

While much of the core Atlantic Fellows program is a shared experience across these founding sites, there are also specific opportunities at UCSF and Trinity that may be aligned with your specific training and career goals. Applicants must select one site for the fellowship-year experience on the application. 

More About Site Opportunities

Founded in 1592, Trinity is a global university filled with history and heritage which adds enormously to the quality of the fellowship experience in Dublin. Cutting edge research, technology, and innovation places the university at the forefront of higher education in Ireland and internationally.

The historic campus of Ireland's leading university, is at the heart of Dublin’s city center—a vibrant and multicultural European capital, which ranks as the 7th best city in the world. Ireland is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, friendly people and strong tradition of music, literature, and art.

More about Trinity 

UCSF is a leading university dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care. It includes top-ranked graduate schools of dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy, a graduate division with nationally renowned programs in basic, biomedical, translational, and population sciences, as well as a preeminent biomedical research enterprise and two top-ranked hospitals, UCSF Health and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco.

More about UCSF

Selection Criteria

A typical Atlantic Fellow engages across disciplines, breaks down traditional barriers, and is committed to resolving issues around the inequities in brain health and dementia around the world.

  • Willingness and availability to complete 12 months of education in residence, full-time, in San Francisco, USA or Dublin, Ireland.
  • Long-term commitment to the values, mission, and goals of the program, including a potential pilot project following the fellowship year.
  • The ability to bring creative and relevant projects to fruition.
  • Ideas that could transform the global brain health environment in vulnerable communities. 
  • Proficiency in English.
  • Successful completion of field-specific terminal degree and associated training as applicable.
  • Ability to travel internationally as required.

Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health come from across the globe and are expected to have a meaningful impact in their home communities once the fellowship training year is complete. To help ensure success, Atlantic Fellows must have regional support and mentorship in the communities where they hope to make impact. Applicants will be asked to outline in their applications who their regional mentors will be and how they will help them be transformative in their home country. We know that mentorship can mean different things to different people and in different places, so please read more about mentorship for further information.

Applicants from all disciplines and professional backgrounds are encouraged to apply. They should have a strong foundation of experience and expertise and be ready to advance meaningful and impactful work. Applicants should complete the highest degree and associated training they wish to obtain in their particular field. This includes but is not limited to competitive applicants who have:

  • Artists or other creative professionals: A portfolio, an interest in improving the lives of people living with dementia and their care partners, a public platform to showcase their portfolio.
  • Physicians: Completed an MD, residency and other fellowship specialties, have an interest in improving clinical practice.
  • Researchers: Completed a PhD and postdoctoral training, have an interest in generating and distributing knowledge to advance the field of brain health and dementia prevention. 
  • Innovators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and other professionals: Developed significant expertise in their field and track record of achievement.

Application Process

Applications are competitively reviewed and select applicants will be invited to interview. Interviews are by invitation only. All applicants are notified of their interview status by email.

Note that all times are based on Dublin, Ireland local time (IST, GMT + 1).

  • Deadline: September 20, 2024 at 5pm
  • Interview Notifications: November 2024
  • Status Notifications: January 2025
  • Program Start: Late August 2025


  1. Online application
  2. Resume or curriculum vitae
  3. Statements of Purpose: Applicants will be required to write thoughtful and succinct responses related to their interest in the program and future goals. 
  4. Two letters of support:
  • Letters are required to demonstrate regional commitment to an applicant's success. We are looking for applicants who demonstrate leadership potential and have a support network beyond the Global Brain Health Institute. Specifically, GBHI seeks applicants with robust support networks committed to the future career and ambition of the applicant upon return to the Atlantic Fellow’s home community. These support networks may include current and past partners, institutions, organizations, employers and groups.
  • Therefore, at least one letter of reference should be from a current employer, institution, organization or group you have engaged with previously. We expect this letter to articulate support for the application and specifically address the applicant’s leadership potential. In addition, these letters should demonstrate a long-term commitment to supporting the applicant and their work after completion of the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicants are advised to request letters of support from their letter writers early. Applicants are responsible for contacting their preferred letter writers directly and must confirm:

  • They are willing to write a letter and can submit it online by the noted deadline. 
  • Their correct email address which is required for this application form.
  • They understand the Letters of Support: Guidelines for Writers.

Letter writers will receive an automated email with a link to submit their letter after applicants submit their application.

Applications will be considered incomplete unless all required materials have been submitted. 

Each application component is important and evaluated thoroughly.

The program is conducted in English. Applications must be submitted in English. 

After interviews have concluded, selected applicants will be required to submit official transcripts for further evaluation. Detailed instructions will be provided at that stage of the application process.

Information Webinars

Find out more about this unique opportunity to make a significant impact in the field of brain health.

FAQs & Resources

If you have a question which hasn’t been answered in our fellowship application webpages and webinars, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions 

If you still can’t find what you need please email us at

Stay Connected

Sign up for the GBHI Newsletter to receive application updates and other news from the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program.

More Brain Health Equity Opportunities

The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health is a community of leaders from all over the world that are doing really amazing work to reduce the burden of dementia and to help people live longer, healthier lives.

Tanisha Hill-Jarrett
Atlantic Fellow, GBHI
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