two doctors training
Project Type - Pilot Projects

A Training and Implementation Study on Dementia Risk Reduction in Nigeria

Integrating dementia risk reduction education and training in Nigeria’s primary care system
Western Africa


Dementia imparts a global significant public health burden and the majority of persons with dementia (68%) will reside in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by 2050. Yet, dementia risk reduction initiatives do not have a wide reach in adults in LMICs. In Nigeria, task shifting and task sharing by scaling up the competencies of primary health care (PHC) workers can bridge the shortage in the healthcare workforce available for implementing various risk reduction strategies. However, this approach has not been applied to dementia risk reduction

Project Details

The study aims to 

(1) To train health educators in dementia-risk reduction initiatives (dementia risk-reduction knowledge, and practical fieldwork on dementia risk assessment and dementia screening). 

(2) To determine the effectiveness of the training program in improving the competency of PHC workers (health educators) in dementia-risk reduction initiatives (in Aim 1). 

(3) To evaluate the feasibility of the intervention: the barriers and facilitators of a successful intervention implementation. This project will use a mixed methods design to determine the effectiveness of a training program. It will take place in the 57 local districts of Lagos State. We will select and train 57 PHC workers who are health educators: one from each government district. It will build on previous work in PHCs in Lagos and the community’s existing structures and resources. The principal investigator and an experienced neurologist will train the PHC workers using the WHO (mhGAP) guide. The training will be designed based on adult training theories using blended learning and involving a high level of team interaction. The effectiveness of the intervention will be evaluated using the New World Kirkpatrick model for learning in the areas mentioned. The feasibility of the intervention will be evaluated using qualitative analysis of problem-focused individual interviews. The primary outcomes of this project are to demonstrate the effectiveness at three points of assessment and the feasibility of the training. The secondary outcomes will provide baseline epidemiological data on the dementia risk profile and cognition in middle-aged and older adults respectively. Overall, the goals are to integrate education and training in dementia risk reduction into the existing primary care system and to incorporate epidemiological and public health research in the area of brain health in Nigeria.