Event Details

International Day of Care and Support

GBHI is pleased to partner on this Care Partner Virtual Commemoration of the UN International Day of Care and Support 2023. This event brings together care partners from Australia, Brazil, Kenya, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States of America, and Yemen to engage in discussions on utilizing personal experiences to advocate for policies and programs towards enhancing and broadening dementia care and support, while positively impacting the lives of those affected by dementia. Speakers include Fernando Peres, Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health, and Helen Medsger, a former care partner and member of GBHI's Person and Public Voice Program. This dialogue will shed light on the issues highlighted in the United Nations General Resolution A/RES/77/317, including the disproportionate burden of unpaid care on women and girls, the systemic barriers hindering women's progress, and the rights of all care partners.


  • Raise awareness about the issues highlighted by Resolution A/RES/77/317 for the United Nations General Assembly International Day of Care and Support.
  • Highlight the rights of care partners to engage meaningfully in decision-making that not only
    impacts their lives, but also the lives of those they care for.
  • Recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of family care partners in dementia
    care and support, and care partner advocacy.
  • Provide a platform for knowledge sharing and learning from the diverse experiences of family care
    partners from various Regions.
  • Foster networking and collaboration opportunities among care partners and stakeholders in the
    dementia community.


The virtual event will bring together selected family care partners from different regions of the world. Through insightful storytelling and engaging discussions, the event will shine a spotlight on work in positively impacting the lives of those living with dementia and care partners, as well as policy and program.



Contact Sharifah Tahir for more information.


People with Lived Experience of Dementia, Public