Grandmother Puts Flower in Vase
Project Type - Pilot Projects

Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory-Korean (PELI-K)

Developing a culturally-adapted instrument for assessing the preferences for everyday living of Korean older adults with dementia in long-term care settings
Eastern Asia


Understanding the preferences for everyday living of older patients with various care needs is a cornerstone for planning and providing person-centered care. Previous studies have reported that being aware of the preferences can contribute to improvements in nursing care outcomes, including continence or nutrition status, decision making, and care satisfaction. Also, accounting for preferences can help reduce agitation, depression, and neuropsychiatric symptoms as well as promote well-being and positive affect. Due to the influence of Confucianism on traditional national values and sociocultural characteristics, Korean older adults typically endure pain and illness and are reluctant to express their health problems, particularly psychological and cognitive problems. Especially in the case of persons with dementia (PWD), due to their frailty and deteriorated functional status including cognitive impairment, patients’ preferences on care planning and rights to select or decide management options are often underestimated. To provide person-centered care and improve health care outcomes, assessing the preferences and values of Korean PWD is imperative. To assess the preferences for everyday living, structured instruments are greatly needed. In this context, the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) was developed by Van Haitsma et al. to trace the individual preferences of older residents. The validity, feasibility, and usefulness of the PELI have been assessed in many previous studies. However, to date, there is no standardized, item-based instrument in Korean comparable to the PELI.

Project Details

This study aims to develop a culturally-adapted instrument for assessing the preferences for everyday living of Korean PWD in long-term care settings (PELI-K). Based on the rigorous translation and cultural adaptation principle, the PELI will be translated into Korean and culturally modified. The psychometric evaluation will be conducted with six experts in dementia care and 30 Korean PWD at long-term care settings. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the preferences and needs of Korean PWD and the development of person-centered interventions based on their preferences to improve patients’ symptom management and ultimately reduce caregivers’ burden.