The necessity of diplomacy in brain health
Maintaining brain health is arguably one of the greatest global health challenges of the 21st century, as few other issues will have a similar effect on humanity. Given the breadth of factors affecting brain health, we believe that large-scale diplomacy is necessary. Diplomacy is traditionally described as a formal exchange between countries, such as trade talks or negotiations to avoid armed conflict, carried out by formal representatives of nations (eg, emissaries and ambassadors). Yet, the field of diplomacy is far more nuanced, and the way in which diplomacy affects humanity, including health, is informed by a broader understanding of the topic. Large-scale diplomatic activities might include efforts to coordinate research across nations or the establishment of treaties (for example, to reduce air pollution). Activities of this type help to coordinate international projects in research, advocacy, clinical care, consumer participation, innovation, and public health.

Walter Dawson, DPhil
Health Policy Researcher

Kirsty Bobrow
Physician & Epidemiologist

Laura Booi, PhD, MA
Social Gerontologist

Maritza Pintado-Caipa, MD

Ioannis Tarnanas, PhD, MSc

Kristine Yaffe, MD
Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology & Epidemiology

Bruce Miller, MD
Founding Director, University of California, San Francisco

Stacey Yamamoto, MPH
Assistant Director for Program & Strategy