healthy aging; health disparities; physical function

Geeske Peeters, PhD


Promotion of healthy lifestyles throughout life is important to maximize current function and delay future decline.

Current Work

Geeske is a senior researcher with the Department of Geriatric Medicine, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands. She is working to understand and improve strategies to promote physical and cognitive functioning and prevent functional decline, falls, fear of falling and dementia.

Words of Strength

Making connections


Geeske believes that at every age, there is something you can do to lower your risk of dementia: make healthy choices in food and drinks and keep your body and brain active.


With colleagues from Cuba, Geeske is developing a tool that can be used to raise awareness of risk factors for dementia and motivate high risk individuals for healthy behaviors. The tool will be adapted for use in other Latin American countries.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Geeske has built a strong collaborative partnership with other fellows and colleagues from Cuba and Ireland. These collaborations have opened up new avenues of research.


While the Dutch healthcare system is praised for its high quality, the costs are high. Countries like the Netherlands can learn from resource poor countries about how to implement preventive measures in a cheaper and effective way.

Education & Experience

Geeske Peeters received degrees in Epidemiology (VU University Medical Centre, The Netherlands), Human Movement Science (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and Occupational Therapy (Hogeschool Zuyd, The Netherlands). After completing her PhD in 2009 at the VU University Medical Centre, she worked subsequently as a postdoctoral and senior research fellow at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. After her 2-year fellowship with GBHI at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, she returned to the Netherlands where she is now working as a senior researcher with the Department of Geriatric Medicine, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen.

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Senior Research Fellow
University of Queensland in Australia
Postdoctoral Fellow
VU University Medical Centre
Hogeschool Zuyd, The Netherlands
Occupational Therapy
VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Human Movement Science
VU University Medical Centre, The Netherlands