PREVENT Dublin is a part of a large multi-site collaboration in the UK and Ireland. The project aims to develop methods to predict who is at greatest risk of dementia, as well as to intervene and prevent the disease from taking hold. The PREVENT project has raised awareness around dementia detection and prevention in Ireland through generating and distributing knowledge on state-of-the-art Alzheimer’s detection in mid-life via published research. The project continues to build the PREVENT Dublin dataset by continually assessing established preclinical biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in middle-aged persons at high risk of late-life AD, relative to persons at lower risk.
Project Details
The PREVENT dementia programme is the world’s largest study investigating the origins and early diagnosis of dementia in a mid-life “at risk” cohort. It has recruited and deeply phenotyped 700 participants aged 40-59 across the UK and Ireland. Core assessments include cognitive testing, neuropsychiatric evaluation, genetics, lifestyle risk factor analysis and multi-modal MRI Imaging, with samples of blood, urine, saliva and CSF collected. In Dublin, we are currently concluding our first set of follow-up assessments with plans for many years to come. Across the five sites of the study, more than 700 participants are taking part, with over 7,000 cognitive tests and 1400 MRI brain scans completed.
Several established sub-studies build upon the research foundation of PREVENT. In Dublin, in collaboration Professor Lewis Winning at the Dental School and jointly with the other PREVENT sites, we are currently investigating how oral health and tooth decay interact with the risk of developing dementia; with Professor Francesca Farina, we are looking into how fear of dementia and memory loss inform our behaviors and lifestyles; with Professor Allison Wray at the University of Cardiff we are investigating how written language might be used to predict early dementia onset; and, with Professor Clare Gillan we are exploring exciting new avenues for assessing brain health through mobile applications, such as Neureka.
We also strive to develop a bioethical framework for recent advances in brain health that provide individualized dementia information for individuals who don’t have any symptoms, and on how to use this information to promote brain health. Learn more about our ethics projects.
More Information
If you would like to learn more about PREVENT Dublin please contact Lorina Naci at lorina.naci@gbhi.org.
Members involved

Without our wonderful and engaged Dublin participant cohort, this research on dementia prevention would not be possible. Atlantic Fellows Mike Hanrahan and Gráinne McGettrick performing at the event.

PREVENT Dublin Project Coordinator Peter Gorman explores dementia and brain health.

Presenter Rebecca Sammon discusses risk factors for dementia at the D7 Women’s Shed.
Selected Publications